SuperThank’s storytelling series is part of a powerful movement that serves to encourage and amplify radical acts of gratitude through storytelling in ways that fosters community well-being and connection. It’s a special and memorable way to honor your staff members, mentors, and/or community members who have made a positive impact in your life or organization.

We’ve created the online step-by-step guide (below) to use as a quick reference as you begin organizing your event. Many of these steps overlap on the planning timeline. We recommend you reference our event task list and create a timeline with deadlines for each task.

In addition, we’ve compiled SuperThank’s storytelling training materials, an event checklist, and an example run of show into a manual to help you organize your own successful SuperThank storytelling event. Download SuperThank’s Storyteller Manual.

Click on the steps below for more detailed information on a specific topic or download SuperThank’s step-by-step guide. 

Getting Started

How do I find storytellers?

Storyteller Preparation

Event Logistics

Who’s Coming?

Day of the Event Logistics

After the Event